Siang | 1 Desember 2015 15:29 WIB 4655 dibaca 1 komentar
bebas Asia Tenggara, dikenal dengan sebutan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA),
mulai berlaku akhir tahun ini. Barang, jasa, dan tenaga kerja semakin mudah
untuk lalu lalang di negara anggota ASEAN. Bagi Indonesia, kesepakatan itu bisa
menjadi pedang bermata dua. Jika diolah dan dikelola dengan baik, produk dan
tenaga kerja Indonesia berpotensi merajai pasar Asia Tenggara. Sebaliknya, jika
tak siap berkompetisi, Indonesia hanya akan menjadi pasar bagi negara anggota
ASEAN lain.
masyarakat ekonomi ASEAN sudah digagas lebih dari satu dekade lalu. Gagasan itu
baru terwujud pada tahun 1997 saat para pemimpin negara-negara ASEAN sepakat
membentuk sebuah pasar tunggal di kawasan Asia Tenggara pada akhir 2015.
pemimpin yakin bahwa pemberlakuan MEA bakal menarik investor asing. Artinya,
ASEAN bisa menyaingi kekuatan Tiongkok dan India sekalipun juga memperketat
kompetisi di antara negara-negara anggota ASEAN sendiri.
terbaru dari Organisasi Buruh Internasional (ILO) menyebutkan, MEA diperkirakan
menciptakan 14 juta lapangan kerja baru dan meningkatkan taraf hidup sekitar
600 juta penduduk di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Tahun 2015, diperkirakan jumlah
lapangan kerja keterampilan tinggi akan naik 41 persen atau 14 juta, sementara
lowongan kerja keterampilan menengah tumbuh 22 persen atau sekitar 38 juta, dan
pekerjaan dengan keterampilan rendah naik 24 persen atau setara dengan 12 juta.
bebas ASEAN memungkinkan kaum profesional dengan keahlian khusus, seperti
tenaga medis, akuntan, arsitek, insinyur sipil, dan pengacara, untuk bekerja
bahkan membuka praktik di negara-negara anggota ASEAN.
sekian banyak negara ASEAN, Indonesia adalah negara berpenduduk terbesar, yakni
250 juta orang atau 40 persen dari total penduduk ASEAN. Jumlah ini menandakan
Indonesia merupakan potensi pasar terbesar sekaligus pemilik sumber daya
manusia terbanyak di ASEAN.
Sumber: http://print.kompas.com/baca/2015/12/01/MEA%2c-Antara-Peluang-dan-Ancaman
Actually, inevitably, be ready not ready, all this is a necessity that had
to be faced by Indonesia. Starting
from their own society, to companies, as well as the role of government in
making decisions in order to survive in a world that increasingly advanced
economies. And
all are required to future-oriented for the realization of the ASEAN economies
stable and form the economic area among ASEAN countries is strong.
State of readiness needs to be done, among others, setting up the infrastructure, setting up policies that make it easier to invest, provide a good service to foreign investors and facilitate information. The government needs to seek the improvement of infrastructure in order to support the creation of a society MEA. Preparing Policies to facilitate investment, now the government must respond in something like this. Making the new policy-making more flexible the regulations herein MEA is expected.
Having regard to the benefit to all parties not just to the middle to upper economic actors, but also medium economic actors in order to achieve a stable economy in Indonesia. Both in the implementation of small, medium, and large as well. Resulting in equalization of the Indonesian economy. And all go hand in hand in the face of the MEA. Besides giving a good service to foreign investors and facilitate the flow of information can also increase investment activity that provides many benefits to Indonesia. Among them there are 2 of the direct and indirect benefits. The first is to increase real incomes, both indirect benefits such as the introduction of new technology and knowledge. Furthermore, the planting of the investment also serves to enlarge the Indonesian foreign exchange through the export of Indonesian production abroad. The government also needs to make improvements in the economy of Indonesia itself, such as reducing unemployment by creating jobs. And conduct training-pelatidan workforce. And creating a reliable entrepreneurs.
While the task of companies, among them how to improve performance, such as good management, so as to compete with companies from other countries in the ASEAN region. By improving the management of a company will be organized and the achievement of a company 'with the maximum.
Awareness of all walks of life here is also very necessary. This awareness can be formed by genjarnya socialization of MEA. There should also be disseminated at the stage of school education, so that young people are able to understand the significance of the MEA so that they can participate order to realize the Asean Economic Community. Basically the involvement of all parties to accelerate the achievement of the readiness of the Indonesian people to play an active role in the MEA.
State of readiness needs to be done, among others, setting up the infrastructure, setting up policies that make it easier to invest, provide a good service to foreign investors and facilitate information. The government needs to seek the improvement of infrastructure in order to support the creation of a society MEA. Preparing Policies to facilitate investment, now the government must respond in something like this. Making the new policy-making more flexible the regulations herein MEA is expected.
Having regard to the benefit to all parties not just to the middle to upper economic actors, but also medium economic actors in order to achieve a stable economy in Indonesia. Both in the implementation of small, medium, and large as well. Resulting in equalization of the Indonesian economy. And all go hand in hand in the face of the MEA. Besides giving a good service to foreign investors and facilitate the flow of information can also increase investment activity that provides many benefits to Indonesia. Among them there are 2 of the direct and indirect benefits. The first is to increase real incomes, both indirect benefits such as the introduction of new technology and knowledge. Furthermore, the planting of the investment also serves to enlarge the Indonesian foreign exchange through the export of Indonesian production abroad. The government also needs to make improvements in the economy of Indonesia itself, such as reducing unemployment by creating jobs. And conduct training-pelatidan workforce. And creating a reliable entrepreneurs.
While the task of companies, among them how to improve performance, such as good management, so as to compete with companies from other countries in the ASEAN region. By improving the management of a company will be organized and the achievement of a company 'with the maximum.
Awareness of all walks of life here is also very necessary. This awareness can be formed by genjarnya socialization of MEA. There should also be disseminated at the stage of school education, so that young people are able to understand the significance of the MEA so that they can participate order to realize the Asean Economic Community. Basically the involvement of all parties to accelerate the achievement of the readiness of the Indonesian people to play an active role in the MEA.
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