Monday, March 18, 2013

the impact of unemployment

someone who does not work but are not actively looking for work and are not classified as unemployed is housewives. they do not want to work because they want to take care of his family, or the children of the rich, they do not want to work a lower salary than he wanted. group of housewives and children of the rich are categorized As with voluntary unemployment.k

one important factor that determines the level of prosperity of a community is the level of income. the public revenues will reach a maximum level if the full employment level of use can be realized. high levels of unemployment will reduce incomes, so that the presence of unemployment, the level of prosperity of the community will be reduced

unemployment will lead to economic and social problems for the individuals who experience it. unemployment will also negatively impact the economy, politics, and social for the country that have high unemployment rates. unemployment is very influential to the achievement of social welfare and development prospects in the country concerned

#softskill bhs inggris 1